Surveys & Inspections

AMA employ in-house experienced and qualified surveyors who attend on board vessels for all kinds of surveys, at any location around the world.

Below is a short list of a few of the survey types undertaken by AMA.

  • On/Off hire
  • Marine Warranty
  • Condition
  • ISM
  • Hatch Cover testing
  • Due Diligence
  • Bunker Quantity and Quality



For a number of years AMA have operated a bespoke and very successful bunker survey programme for a select group of very large, internationally significant, ship charterers. This has resulted in the recovery of many thousands of tonnes of fuel oil for them, with a market value in excess of USD 100 million. The success of the programme is due to the close co-operation between AMA and our clients which is founded on a solid structure of good communications, understanding, and integrity.

AMA employ a fully in-house, experienced and qualified bunker survey team who attend on board vessels for quantity checks and during bunker stems around the world as completely independent parties. Our team offers a complete one-stop service including expert advice leading to the resolution of disputes in quantity or quality of fuel and lubricating oils.


Whether the cargo for shipment is to travel safely stowed inside a sea transport container, in a general cargo bag, box or pallet, or even as a bulk commodity loaded directly into the cargo tank or hold of a vessel, our team is always at hand and able to offer commercially sound, practical advice, tempered with a dose of good old fashioned common sense.

From the initial on-site pre-shipment attendance and assessment, through to the loading, stowing and onward transit, before finally to the unloading and safe delivery at destination, our surveyors and consultants are able to provide a seamless coverage and single point of contact throughout.

We frequently attend the loading and securing of high value or project cargoes to prevent issues before they begin. Likewise we undertake sampling and monitoring of cargoes which are prone to liquefaction, self heating, oxidization or other forms of spoiling or hazard while in transit.